Another BBC programme on the Psalms

Then Sings My Soul (Episode 1) is the latest BBC programme to feature the psalms and the RPCI – this time focusing on Trinity RPC. Marie-Louise Muir traces the history of hymn singing, with the bit on psalms starting about 16 minutes in.

abi - psalm programme

joel psalms

A few quotes from the presenter:

“It made me feel that while I may have been raised a Roman Catholic, inside in my heart, having sung these Psalms I think I must be a Covenanter”.

“What I absolutely did not miss was any accompaniment”.

“Hearing the Reformed Presbyterians singing breathed new life into the psalms for me”.

gmo psalms

warren psalms 2

nelsons psalms

Previous Programmes:

Make a Joyful Noise: The Metrical Psalms (2003 BBC TV Programme)
An Independent People (2013 3-part BBC series on Ulster Presbyterianism)
A Kist o Wurds on the Psalms (2014 BBC Radio Ulster Programme)

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