Trueman, Lucas & Vaughan Roberts videos

Some videos from the recent Proc Trust Autumn Ministers’ Conference. For more info, see the report by Paul Levy and the Reflections on Eldership it provoked from Trueman.
There are 3 talks from Trueman on the Trinity and 3 from Dick Lucas on 2 Peter. Trueman rejects the concept of unction in talk 2 – for which Stuart Olyott would probably call him a “mediate regeneration-ist”!

More interesting posts coming soon! Maybe!

Driscoll audio / Airdrie video

Downloadable (thanks to SWS) audio from when Mark Driscoll was in NI recently:

driscoll - courageous leadership

The Mandate Remix: Clash of Kingdoms – Becoming an Agent of Transformation (Carnmoney Church, Sunday 14 November)

Courageous Leadership (Carnmoney Church, Monday 15 November)

Courageous Leadership Q&A

Airdrie sermon videos now online

I linked to one recently, but sermons preached at Airdrie RPC are now officially available online to watch or download (in wmv format) online.

Unlike other outlets, SWS hasn’t just picked random sermons to link to. The above is well-worth watching, and not just because of the mystery guest!

Visiting preachers don’t escape the camera either!